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GOOD Friday???

The garden is now deserted, small pools of blood marking the agony of Jesus, reminders of his struggle with the will of the Father. Yet Jesus said yes, and the dominos of death began to fall one by one—the kiss, the trials, the beatings, the mocking, the nails, the spear—darkness and death.

In the gruesomeness of the events of Good Friday it can be difficult to hear the melodies of grace, mercy, friendship and trust, but this is a dance of love and the music reaches it glorious crescendo with the words, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit"—the moment Jesus breathes his last breath. 

It is love that compelled Jesus forward, gave him the strength to continue, sustained and empowered him—his desire for you and me to be in relationship with the Triune God—a part of the eternal dance of love called the Trinity. 

Good Friday is a bloodstained valentine declaring Jesus' and the Father's love for us, desire to be in relationship with us. Do not lose sight of the desires within God that fueled all this—love, a love that has been poured within the hearts of all who have placed their trust in the sacrifice of Jesus—a love that we can never ever be separated from. A love that compels us, sustains us, empowers us to live Jesus.

As you remember/celebrate Good Friday do not lose sight of the extraordinary lavishing love of God that is on display—a rescuing, healing, transforming love—a love that wins over separation, evil and death. For God so loved you, me and everyone else that Jesus was sent to bring back into relationship what was lost and sorely missed by God—us!

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