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Food for Thought - Musings

UPCOMING EVENTS: Online and in Oceanside, CA

You are receiving this early because I am headed out for my semi-annual extended personal retreat. I take one in January and one over the summer. This summer I will be spending 10 days in a cabin located at Lake Tahoe. I look forward to this time to be with God, to reflect on the past year, dream about the upcoming year and to be open to God in a unhurried, unstructured, free flowing time.

So instead of a musing you are receiving a notification of two offerings that begin in September. The first is an online offering and the other will take place in Oceanside, CA.

1. This will be a 9 month online video conferencing journey through the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola. Larry Warner will be your guide using his book Journey with Jesus. The group will be limited to 7 people. You must be able to get online as we will be meeting using video conferencing. You will also need to purchase
Journey with Jesus.

The cost will be 100.00 per month. The cost covers our monthly group meeting, an individual online spiritual direction meeting each month and any extra handouts.

Before you can be accepted
into the journey you will be interviewed over the phone in order to ascertain if this is a good fit for you in terms of your current life situation and your sense of God's leading. Do not send any money prior to being interviewed. http://www.b-ing.org/events/details.php?eventID=90

2. I will be offering training on how to lead people through the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola. This will be a 6 session training course, designed and lead by Larry Warner, for those desiring to be equipped to lead people through the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola. It is required that each participant have completed the Spiritual Exercises in some form.
And it is encouraged, if possible, to have a person or two you are taking through the Exercises even as you are being trained. There will be a limited number of people admitted to the class. You can sign up for the entire class for $575. The dates are available online at

I do hope you will have a restorative summer. Do remember to be open (to the One in who we live, move and have your being), walk (drive, do life) slowly, and to bow often (aware of and grateful for the gifts of God, the communications of God).

I will be posting a musing in July.

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